BiancaRoyale's profile

Profile photo of BiancaRoyale

BiancaRoyale is offline

BiancaRoyale is a 19 years old young woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since November 2023.

She speaks english and spanish, her hair are brown and long and her eyes are green. BiancaRoyale's body is athletic, she has average height and her weight is normal.

BiancaRoyale says "Do you believe dreams come true? I'm thrilled to have caught your eye! A moment that I believe is more than just coincidence, but a true connection of energy... The universe, in its mysterious ways, seems to be drawing us together for a passionate and fun-filled encounter. My name is Bianca and I'm an elite model here in Jasmin, I blend elegance and sophistication with sensual charm, embodying timeless beauty and a love for the finer things in life. With me, you have the freedom to be yourself in every way imaginable. Let's embrace this opportunity where dreams turn into delightful reality. Are you ready to explore this enchanting journey with me? xoxo".

What turns-on BiancaRoyale? "Vanilla ice cream and champagne".

BiancaRoyale charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.

BiancaRoyale was seen online 1 year and 2 months ago.

Last update on: 2023-12-15 20:58:12 UTC

Profile photo of BiancaRoyale

BiancaRoyale is offline

BiancaRoyale is a 19 years old young woman and she is a performer on Livejasmin since November 2023.

She speaks english and spanish, her hair are brown and long and her eyes are green. BiancaRoyale's body is athletic, she has average height and her weight is normal.

BiancaRoyale says "Do you believe dreams come true? I'm thrilled to have caught your eye! A moment that I believe is more than just coincidence, but a true connection of energy... The universe, in its mysterious ways, seems to be drawing us together for a passionate and fun-filled encounter. My name is Bianca and I'm an elite model here in Jasmin, I blend elegance and sophistication with sensual charm, embodying timeless beauty and a love for the finer things in life. With me, you have the freedom to be yourself in every way imaginable. Let's embrace this opportunity where dreams turn into delightful reality. Are you ready to explore this enchanting journey with me? xoxo".

What turns-on BiancaRoyale? "Vanilla ice cream and champagne".

BiancaRoyale charges 2.49 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her chat room on Livejasmin.

BiancaRoyale was seen online 1 year and 2 months ago.

Last update on: 2023-12-15 20:58:12 UTC

November 2023

Total time online
42 hours and 5 minutes
Total time of open sessions
32 hours and 57 minutes
Total time of group sessions
19 minutes
Total time of private sessions
3 hours and 34 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
2 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
5 hours and 6 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
4 minutes

Time Shares for November 2023

December 2023

Total time online
26 hours and 43 minutes
Total time of open sessions
20 hours and 53 minutes
Total time of group sessions
15 minutes
Total time of private sessions
1 hour and 56 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
11 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
3 hours and 12 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
15 minutes

Time Shares for December 2023

November 2023

Total time online
42 hours and 5 minutes
Total time of open sessions
32 hours and 57 minutes
Total time of group sessions
19 minutes
Total time of private sessions
3 hours and 34 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
2 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
5 hours and 6 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
4 minutes

Time Shares for November 2023

December 2023

Total time online
26 hours and 43 minutes
Total time of open sessions
20 hours and 53 minutes
Total time of group sessions
15 minutes
Total time of private sessions
1 hour and 56 minutes
Total time of exclusive private sessions
11 minutes
Total time in announcing VIP shows
3 hours and 12 minutes
Total time in VIP show sessions
15 minutes

Time Shares for December 2023